Connection Cable: ZF 8HP Cable type 3
The FLX2.30 cable allows connection to the control units of the ZF_8HP Type 3 automatic transmissions.
Main characteristics:
- Bench mode
- higher communication speed
- secure connection
- minimal risk of error
This cable allows you to connect Flex to the control unit of ZF_8HP Type 3 automatic gearboxes. The pairing is via Flexbox unit F port.
TCU Compatibility:
Alfa_Romeo_ZF_BOSCH_8HP50 Version 3
VAG_ZF_AL450_8HP45 Version 3
VAG_ZF_AL551_8HP55 Version 3
Alfa_Romeo_Jeep_ZF_BOSCH_8HP75 Version 3
BMW_ZF_8HP45 - 8HP70 - 8HP76 Version 3
VAG_ZF_AL552_8HP65 Version 3
DODGE_JEEP_Lamborghini_ZF_8HP95 Version 3
DODGE_Chrysler_JLR_ZF_8HP45 Version 3
VAG_ZF_AL951_8HP90 Version 3
BMW_ZF_8HP45 - 8HP70 - 8HP76 Version 3
VinFast_ZF_8HP50 Version 3
VAG_ZF_AL952_8HP95 Version 3